Ancient Capital and Dangerous Deer: Nara Part 3(Final)

...and so we walked from the shrine 20 minutes to the building that holds the worlds largest bronze Buddhist statue. Now I wasn't really so psyched about seeing it before going, but after seeing it ...... wow. 

This is a paid viewing, but even so the prices are really cheap. It's for tourism and yet the prices seem fair; they don't try to rip you off. The admission was around $5 each - cheap.

The grounds are like this model:
A model of the original buildings here. The originally built ones were much bigger! 0_0
First is this wooden gate, seemingly disconnected from the main building that housed the Buddha statue, but actually the main gate that stands outside the whole complex.
Gate and surroundings

It's really big..

Too big to fit us all in!

Taking a look back at the model above, the
building in the middle houses the statues. Guests enter the complex through the surrounding wall through a small wooden doorway and pay admission. This is the lower left corner of the surrounding perimeter. From here we showed our bought tickets and entered. Then we flashed some photographs. We flashed them at the corner, flashed them in the center, and flashed them everywhere!

Absolutely huge!

 Now the crazy thing is that the Buddha statue inside nearly reaches the ceiling of this building! Look how small the people at the doors are in the photographs - tiny. From the inside the statues' pictures don't convey the size of the statues. But standing outside like this you can see that they are really really big. The building is made of wooden beams and they were able to build it with no air compressors, power tools, or computer drafting software - amazing.

With this picture, I think the size of the building is accurately conveyed. It towered over everything.

The rest is mostly pictures, credits to James and Audrey for most of them. There is the biggest bronze Buddha statue in the world as well as a smaller one and various huge wooden carvings of other statues in the building. Enjoy!

A model of the original buildings here. The originally built ones were much bigger! 0_0

For some reason this pillar had a hole in it for people who were small enough to go through. We just so happened to be around when some nifty Japanese women were successfully going through it! The fact that many Japanese would try going through the hole represents many things that I personally love about the Japanese people I've met. Things like they're super active even when they're past 40!50!60! They're good humoured, love laughing, and possess an appreciation of the small things in life.

That's all for this time! Thanks for joining us in our adventure in Nara with James and Audrey told in 3 parts! Part 1; Part 2; Part 3

Next>>>Kyoto's Autumn Colours
coming soon!

Completely Different Post: Japanese is Easy!

Ben and Kailey lived in Japan not too long ago and also visit Kyoto every year.

Ben is developing a Japanese Practice site. It's current main functions are:
1. a Flash Card system that features a leveling system where you must answer correctly and "level up"to gain new cards, receive money and buy new decks - anime decks included!
2. Fill in the Blank system where you can choose to focus on particle practice or verb practice etc.
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