After Five Months in Japan

The theme of this series was chosen by you guys, our readers by popular vote. Good thing too, because we love talking about our routine here in Japan and all things related to our new life in Kyoto!

At this point we've settled-in quite nicely. We've been living in Kyoto for 5 months already and to tell you the truth, we've forgotten the feelings of living in Canada. That's quite exciting.

In our first months in Japan we were on our own, just Ben and Kailey in Japan. We were navigating Kyoto and trying out new routines so that we could settle-in. 

But at this point in our blog, we've settled in.

We're long past introductions with various friends and we're continuing to build and invest in those relationships. This is the best possible point of our life in Japan, relationships!

Read on to see what our daily life in Kyoto is all about!

>Daily Life 1: Settled in
>Daily Life 1.5: Japanese wedding clothes?
>Daily Life 2: Daily School
>Daily Life 3: Visiting James and Audrey in Harima-cho
>Daily Life 4: Japanese Family over for Dinner
>Daily Life 5: Baseball Gloves
>Daily Life 6: Bike Accident